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The training program is compiled by our partner Nuovo Simonelli with SCA Certified Trainer - Dario Ciarlantini.
Fully compliant with the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) standards.  
* All courses include both theory and practice

Professional course “Master Barista”

The course will help you become a professional, certified barista

• History of coffee
• What processes do coffee beans undergo from picking to preparation
• Qualitative and taste differences between the most common grains. (Arabica, Robusta)
• Roasting
• Grinding
• Grinder calibration
• Techniques for working with coffee machines.
• Espresso standard. Drinks based on espresso
• Milk - its properties, steaming technique.
• Health and hygiene
• Modern coffee-making technologies (V60; Siphone, etc.)
• Brewing. Coffee making Standards
• Maintenance - Systematic cleaning/control of a coffee machine and grinder.
• Latte Art - in practic

• Test + practical test

* Course duration - 6 days, 3 hours of lectures
* Price: 1 student - 450 GEL

Course „Barista“

The course is designed for those who want to improve their knowledge or gain general knowledge about coffee 

• What processes coffee beans undergo from picking to preparing
• Qualitative and taste differences between the most common grains
• Global standards on coffee
• Techniques for working with coffee machines
• Cold and hot drinks made on the basis of espresso
• Milk - its properties, extraction technique
• Test + practical test


* Course duration - 3 days, 2 hours of lectures
* Price: 1 student - 250 GEL

Amateur course

The course is designed for:
• For people interested in coffee, who want to gain general knowledge about coffee and learn the technology of trendy coffee making in practice - V60, French Press, Aeropress, Moka Pot.

• For people employed in the restaurant business who want to have a general idea and knowledge about coffee, its grinding, and preparation.

* Course duration - 1 day, 3 hours of lectures

* Price: 1 student - 130 GEL

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